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Stabled Retirement Livery

Your horse or pony will have his or her own stable all year round and will be on a "full retirement livery" routine.

This includes:

Stabling overnight in winter with daily turnout

Stabling during the day in the summer with overnight turnout

If your horse suffers with laminitis or for some reason requires restricted time out at grass, the turn out routine will be tailored to the individual horse or pony

Turning out / Bringing in includes picking out feet daily and hosing legs in winter 

Rug changing, and putting on boots if needed

Putting on fly masks (taking them off before dark), applying sun cream etc.

Dealing with injuries and/or longer term medical problems if necessary

Organising and attending vet, farrier, equine dentist visits

Arranging rug cleaning and repairs

Retirement Livery at Grass

Your horse or pony will live out all year round with access to our new 24 ft. field shelters which are rubber matted inside.  

Horses and ponies live together in pairs or a group of 3, and at no time will they be left alone in a field.

We take just as much care of the horses and ponies living out as we do of those that come into their stables each day.

Our care includes:

Regular checking 

Changing rugs, putting on fly masks and taking them off before dark

Applying sun cream/sweet itch lotion etc., if needed

Poo picking the fields during summer months

Putting out ad lib hay during winter months (usually into tombstone hay feeders)

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Trimming manes and tails

Treating legs and feet during winter to protect against mud fever

Dealing with injuries and/or longer term medical problems if necessary

Organising and attending vet, farrier, equine dentist visits

Arranging rug cleaning and repairs 

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